ENERTRAG project “Electrolysis Corridor East Germany”

Integrated and networked projects are the only way to achieve an efficient hydrogen economy in Germany and Europe.
This is exactly what the ENERTRAG project “Electrolysis Corridor East Germany” stands for.
This is part of the joint project “doing hydrogen”, which links together innovative individual projects in eastern Germany – and is an important building block for the implementation of the German and European hydrogen strategy.

The transformation from natural gas to green hydrogen requires the development of a hydrogen-based value chain.
In order to produce sufficient green hydrogen, electrolysers need to be built on a large scale – as well as renewable energy plants to supply the necessary green electricity.
ENERTRAG does both.

In the electrolysis corridor in eastern Germany, the capacities are spread across two locations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg.
The total installed capacity of the electrolysers is 185 megawatts.

The entire value chain for green hydrogen

The core of the “Electrolysis Corridor East Germany” is the use of the existing gas grid infrastructure for hydrogen production.
The electrolysis sites along a north-south axis in Rostock-Laage (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) and Falkenhagen/Prignitz (Brandenburg) are supplied with climate-neutral electricity from ENERTRAG’s own wind energy and photovoltaic plants.

Both electrolysers form a transnational corridor along the “doing hydrogen” hydrogen pipeline and will feed around 17,000 t/a of locally produced hydrogen into the pipeline.
The green hydrogen can be supplied to the Concrete Chemicals sub-project at the Rüdersdorf site as well as to other industrial customers – thus contributing to defossilization.

Thanks to the geographical distribution of the sites, ENERTRAG makes a valuable contribution to regional development and enables the efficient use of renewable resources.
H2 production refines surplus electricity that would otherwise remain unused and thus increases local value creation.

It is estimated that the electrolysis corridor in eastern Germany will avoid greenhouse gas emissions of around 135,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per year in the first 20 years of operation.

Project profile
Falkenhagen/Prignitz (Brandenburg)
Rostock-Laage (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Renewable energy capacity:
185 MW Electrolysis
Hydrogen production:
17,000 tons of hydrogen per year
Investment costs:
94 million euros
Funding program:
Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) funding program
Planned commissioning:
ExpectedCO2 savings per year:
135,000 t

“For ENERTRAG, the “Electrolysis Corridor East Germany” is one of the most important milestones in the development of the national hydrogen infrastructure.
With our electrolyzer capacities in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, we have a market share of around 12 percent in Germany and are helping to supply urgently needed green hydrogen to industrial customers.”

Dr. Tobias Bischof-Niemz, ENERTRAG Board Member Projects International & Technology


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