
Back-up Stromversorgung für Tele-kommunikationsanlagen im Falle eines Stromausfalls.

In critical infrastructures such as the oil and gas industry, safety and reliability are critical.

Sunfire remote generators run unattended for up to 10,000 hours without maintenance. That is why the leading US telecommunications network operator also trusts in our devices.

The aim of the speed camera system is to defuse the accident black spot and to reduce the risk of accidents by means of an adapted driving style on the part of road users.

With the energy center of the future (EZZ), Vonovia intends to supply at least 60% of the heat for a classic Bochum housing estate on a self-sufficient basis.

Goal: Power supply of weather stations far away from electrical grids even during persistent bad weather.

Sunfire-Remote-Hybrid-Ladestation versorgt alle Arten von E-Bikes mit sauberer Energie in Neubrandenburg.

Verfügbarkeit für Infrastruktur 24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche und 365 Tage mit sauberer und nachhaltiger Energie.

Rhythmus und Taktgefühl können durch laute Motor-Generatoren gestört werden. Sunfire-Remote bietet eine umweltfreundliche Alternative.

For applications in remote areas such as the hinterland of the northeastern
region of India, fuel cell technology can realize its full potential

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